Tuesday, October 28, 2008

self discovery starts with several years of suburbanism.

"I feel like I've been in a coma for the past twenty years. And I'm just now waking up."
-American Beauty

How can you find yourself without first losing touch with who you really are? Is this just another goal with the pathway of life? Birth, school, more school, crappy job, school, career, depresssion, self discovery? quite an ironic path, in a way, to truely begin to live, you must brush a form of breathing death.

1 comment:

BrotherJoshua said...

I couldn't put that any better. It took two years of working in a Walgreens and gaining a lot of weight for me to finally, actually listen to the lyrics of Against Me songs I thought I already loved and be reminded that I had believed in something.

PS: Thanks for the compliment. I don't really expect much of any response or readership, so it's really great to know somebody is taking-up the pieces of my brain that I'm presumptuous to pick for them ahead of time.
It's also a huge compliment that Joelle referred you to my blog. I thought she just followed it, because we're good buds. I owe her a hug or a thoughtfully purchased, prefab greeting card or something.